On our new website we have video testimonies from two of our students. One is about Brad, who committed murder and was not held accountable until years later. His testimony is powerful and is filled with hope for the future. The other video is about Morgan, who seriously contemplated suicide in prison. The night he was going to do it, he ended up crying himself to sleep with his Bible on his chest.
These videos were put together by Brett Eichenberger, a friend and supporter of PiFO, who is a producer, writer and director of feature films. Brett has done an amazing job with the raw videos given to him.
Morgan also spoke about a dream that God gave him. In the dream, Morgan was a leader and preacher in prison. That dream is about to become true, through the Corban extension in the Oregon State Correctional Institution. In three years Morgan will be receiving his Bachelor of Science in liberal arts degree emphasizing Psychology, Social Services and Leadership! This summer PiFO will need to purchase another 7 desks for our incoming fall cohort. The cost is $340 per desk (2 students per desk). Would you pray and consider about how you could help?
Thank you all for your continued prayer and financial support for our project. Feel free to let us know how we can pray for you. Just go to our Contact page and leave a message.
Grateful as always,