Meet Professor Dan

Meet Professor Dan

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By Jerel Skeith


in News

Dear Supporters of PiFO,

Great news! Classes for our first cohort have begun. Our second cohort of AICs (adults in custody) will begin classes in a few weeks. Over the last year I have introduced you to the professors from Corban University who will be teaching our students in the Oregon State Correctional Institution (OSCI). Here is another profile: meet Professor Dan Christensen!

Dr. Christensen is the Director of Academic Services at Corban University, a role in which he oversees the undergraduate online program, the dual credit program, and works with the university’s veteran students. He has also served as an adjunct professor in the Ministry Department at Corban since 2014, teaching courses such as Bible Study Methods, Bible Survey I and II, Biblical Literature, Introduction to Theology, Biblical Worldview, Religious Movements and Theology of Worship.

Dr. Christensen received his BA degree from George Fox. He is a graduate of Western Seminary where he studied exegetical theology and is a former pastor of 10 years. Dr. Christensen has been married to Erin for 20 years. They have four children, and their family attends First Baptist Church of Salem.

Here is what Dr. Christensen had to say about teaching at the Corban extension in OSCI:

“Teaching in the prison program enables me to be part of the redemption story that God is telling in the lives of these men. What a thrilling opportunity to bless these men and to be blessed by them. It is exciting to play a part in the sanctifying work that God is doing through Paid in Full Oregon.”

Dr. Christensen will be teaching Worldview Seminar.

The PiFO board is beginning to plan for a “virtual” fundraiser, tentatively scheduled for February 11. Please pray for wisdom and favor as we put feet on planning this project.

Grateful as always,