Dear PiFO Supporters,
One of the goals of PiFO is for our students to have an eternal impact on fellow adults in custody (AICs) at the Oregon State Correctional Institution (OCSI) where the Corban extension is located. We also hope that our students will have a similar impact on the staff at OSCI.
Several weeks ago, a few of our students were transferred to Unit 3, the mental health housing area at OSCI, because the DOC staff thought our students would be “good cellmates, good neighbors and good examples” to the men housed there. Wonderful news!
As you know, COVID shut down live instruction in March of 2020. Last week I was notified that our Corban professors were going to be allowed back into the classrooms at OSCI for in-person instruction and teaching. More wonderful news!
This week I received an email from another staff person at OSCI. Here is what he had to say:
“I am seeing great things happening here (OSCI) through the Corban program! Yesterday I walked the dayroom on Unit 11 and was blessed to see Corban students studying the Word!”
God is using our Corban students to shine His light in the darkness. AMAZING news!

Ripple Effects Update

We are still receiving donations from our special event, the “Ripple Effect.” To date, we have received over $198,000 toward our goal of $250,000.
If you missed the event, please watch it on our website or YouTube channel.
To date, we have received over $198,000 toward our goal of $250,000.
If you feel led by God, please make a donation to Paid in Full Oregon.
Prayer Requests
Finally, please keep our students in prayer as they continue to burn brightly in OSCI.
Ever grateful,
Tom Kohl