Hello Paid in Full Oregon Supporter,
Fall classes have started for our students in the Corban extension at the Oregon State Correctional Institution (OSCI). We now have three cohorts attending at OSCI.
Our 2019 cohort is starting their junior year, our 2020 cohort is starting their sophomore year and our 2021 cohort is starting their freshman year. It is so hard to believe that just three years ago PiFO was still raising money to complete the remodel of the classrooms, study hall, computer lab, and professorial area at OSCI. God has been so faithful.
The 2021 cohort will be taking an Orientation Seminar along with Introduction to Liberal Arts and College Writing I. Eighteen of our students in the 2021 cohort have not been transferred to OSCI yet because of COVID. Please pray that all transfers will be completed soon so that these freshmen will not fall too far behind.
The 2020 cohort will be taking Turning Points in History, Faith and Literary Imagination, and Bible Study Methods.
The 2019 cohort will be taking Faith and Literary Imagination, Counseling Skills, and Liberal Arts Internship.
Soon, the board of PiFO will begin preparing for our year-end campaign. Please pray for wisdom and guidance!
Ever grateful for your support,